Especially when they need to amputate a leg.
Now that I have your attention, I had some minor surgery done on my lower lip to take a broken saliva gland out. It was salivating inside my lip, making it all ballooney. So, I made a date with the oral surgeon, and yesterday morning, he cut it out.
Now, I had my wisdom teeth taken out the year before, and despite the horror stories I had heard from others, it was nothing. Very little pain, up and around that very day, the whole nine. This minor surgery was going to be nothing. It would take only a fraction of an hour, I would be up and around as soon as I got out, it wouldn't even hurt. Well, two out of three ain't bad.
Due to some misunderstanding on either my mom's or my brother's and my own fault, I arrived at the surgeon an hour early. I filled out what I needed to fill out, and my bro took me home for half an hour. I come back at the right time, and they take me right back to the chair. The doctor looks at it quickly once more before he whips out the Novocaine. The needles stung (he stabbed me about three times), but the contents of those needles numbed the problem pretty well. My eyes were closed, because the thought of seeing a doctor hacking away at my lip was bad enough. However, since I was all numb, I wasn't sure if he had started yet. I open my eyes for a second, and what do I see but a scalpel inches from my face. Very reassuring. I close my eyes again with the picture fresh in my mind. Good thing it's a short surgery. Doctor finishes up, and I sit in the chair for about five minutes before they let me go. Awesome.
So I'm at home, my friends sleeping in the basement still, my brother hobbling back to his room to sleep, I sit on my computer and play around for an hour or so, happily numb. An hour goes by, and Novocaine starts to wear off. Slight discomfort, no big deal. An hour more and I'm in a massive amount of pain. My lip is on fire, and I can' do anything about it. I have codeine pills I can take, but can't take them on an empty stomach. I was in no mood for food, and I hadn't eaten since the previous night. My one friend goes home, as everyone who isn't in searing pain is still asleep. I finally crack and bust out the ramen soup. Have you ever seen a baby bird who's feeding? Head straight up, mouth awkwardly open, nearly gagging the food down? Yeah, that's me as I eat this. I get through about 3/4 when I figure my stomach's full enough for a codeine. It works marginally, but enough so that I can manage without thinking "OMGHURT".
I hop onto starcraft and play a bit before heading over to Dani's house, where I can manage to swallow some pasta. I snag another codeine pill before we trek over to Best Buy to do some more college shopping. Dani starts suspecting the codeine for making me a bit "loopy". I blame the combination of that and my own fatigue. I skipped on the printer I was supposed to buy with the notion that I can get a small, cheaper one at Wal-Mart and instead opt to get some extra memory for my phone and camera, as well as a laptop cooler that I may or may not end up keeping. After Best Buy, we stop at Ritas for Gelatis (I got raspberry, Dani got blueberry) as I had very little to eat that day, and things that don't require chewing (I have this terrible paranoia about chewing food and accidentally catching one of the loose stitches in my teeth), and we go back to her mom's for a few minutes while she packs her stuff to go to her dad's. I fall asleep. She wakes me up to take me home. I fall asleep in the car. Needless to say, I go to bed when I get home.
Today, the pain isn't so bad, although my lip has swollen quite a bit. I'm going to dinner with Dani's family again for her mom's birthday, though I don't see myself eating much today, either. I hope the pain goes away by Saturday, when I'm heading up to college, and hopefully I'll be able to eat by then. The swelling will go down shortly after I get there, probably around Monday.
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Operations suck.
Written by
8:32 AM
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
For Anna
Whereas I found this as my brother walked into the room and busted out the terrible music with a guy who sounds SO MUCH like a girl and therefore did not get a chance to see it all, I thought Anna would like to see this. It's an informal interview with Billy and Jimmy from Smashing Pumpkins through Youtube. I'm going to take a looksee at it as soon as I can.
Written by
9:07 PM
Monday, August 13, 2007
Millions Of Peaches...
This is probably one of the biggest wtf videos/songs I've ever seen/heard.'s oddly entrancing, and I DO NOT KNOW WHY. Google the artist if you want more fun wtfs.
[edit] less nsfw peaches wtf! I love this one!
Written by
11:42 AM
Saturday, August 4, 2007
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