One of the few days where more than one comic makes me lol out loud. Yes, that's lolol. I lolol'd.
Cyanide And Happiness
Penny Arcade
VG Cats (I know it's been around for a while, but it's still up, and it's still funny)
XKCD (As always, read the subtext for the full lol experience)
Dark Legacy Comics
Monday, September 17, 2007
Good Comic Day
Written by
12:46 PM
Saturday, September 8, 2007
Back to School
As most of you know, I'm back in school from a semester-long hiatus. I'm in a culinary program at IUP's Punxsutawney campus. What does this mean? It means that in a year and a half (Three semsters - Fall, Spring, *shudder* summer, then a semester-long externship), I'll be a certified chef. After this, I'm hoping to go to go to IUP's main campus to get my bachelor's in Hospitality management. I'm considering applying at IUP's honors college (Because, well, IUP doesn't have the mos rigorous screening process, save for the honor's college), but Dani doesn't think I can since I've already taken a year of college out of it. Something about credits and classes I can't take or something.
I enjoy the program so far, except for the 8 o'clock class every day and the five hour lab class every day. Too early, too long. I'm in a sanitation class OMG GERMS in the morning, which is mostly common sense. The lab I'm in at the moment is baking, which is really nice. Lots of pastries. The way this program works is you get five fifteen-day cycles every semester, where you have a 2-hour classroom class, a 1-hour classroom portion of your lab class, a 1 hour break, then 4 hours of lab.
What else is going on in my life besides college? Nothing. I'm in Punxsutawney. There is NOTHING in Punxsutawney save for groundhogs. I didn't even have internet my first week, which in retrospect wasn't terrible, as I had so much homework that first week, and Dani came to visit so I didn't do something stupid out of boredom on the three day weekend.
This weekend will be heavy with WoW. I should probably get back to that.
Written by
8:22 AM