Now then. Much in the wake of Dani, I am going to start a new blog about WoW. It's either going to be paladin-exclusive, or more of a "my thoughts based on my characters" thing. As soon as I can think of a good name, I'll make it, do the silly wowhead autosearch link thing whatever, and it'll be up for your viewing pleasure.
Also, My computer's still broken. Best Buy says it'll cost 700 bucks to replace the motherboard. Probably going to send it back to HP and see what they think. It's out of warrenty, so I'm SOL in that department. I'm renting a computer for 40 bucks a week at the moment, may end up taking it home with me on Friday so I can spend 200 dollars for a month and a half with a computer. Past that, I don't know what to do about the situation. Hopefully HP will be like "Oh, well all you need is a new (insert computer part that is not the motherboard), we can do it for 200 and you'll have it before you go back to school." But that's not gonna happen. I may end up splurging and getting a new computer if it'll cost that much to fix my old one. It will not be an HP.
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Short splurt of random things.
Written by
9:16 AM
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Computer Asplode
So my laptop died. Hardware problem. Gonna take time to fix, and it's gonna be expensive.
So, I bought a new desktop. Cheap, 500 dollar one that I'm going to return next Thursday, the day before I go home for Thanksgiving break. Hopefully I'll have my laptop back by then.
Written by
8:29 PM
Monday, September 17, 2007
Good Comic Day
One of the few days where more than one comic makes me lol out loud. Yes, that's lolol. I lolol'd.
Cyanide And Happiness
Penny Arcade
VG Cats (I know it's been around for a while, but it's still up, and it's still funny)
XKCD (As always, read the subtext for the full lol experience)
Dark Legacy Comics
Written by
12:46 PM
Saturday, September 8, 2007
Back to School
As most of you know, I'm back in school from a semester-long hiatus. I'm in a culinary program at IUP's Punxsutawney campus. What does this mean? It means that in a year and a half (Three semsters - Fall, Spring, *shudder* summer, then a semester-long externship), I'll be a certified chef. After this, I'm hoping to go to go to IUP's main campus to get my bachelor's in Hospitality management. I'm considering applying at IUP's honors college (Because, well, IUP doesn't have the mos rigorous screening process, save for the honor's college), but Dani doesn't think I can since I've already taken a year of college out of it. Something about credits and classes I can't take or something.
I enjoy the program so far, except for the 8 o'clock class every day and the five hour lab class every day. Too early, too long. I'm in a sanitation class OMG GERMS in the morning, which is mostly common sense. The lab I'm in at the moment is baking, which is really nice. Lots of pastries. The way this program works is you get five fifteen-day cycles every semester, where you have a 2-hour classroom class, a 1-hour classroom portion of your lab class, a 1 hour break, then 4 hours of lab.
What else is going on in my life besides college? Nothing. I'm in Punxsutawney. There is NOTHING in Punxsutawney save for groundhogs. I didn't even have internet my first week, which in retrospect wasn't terrible, as I had so much homework that first week, and Dani came to visit so I didn't do something stupid out of boredom on the three day weekend.
This weekend will be heavy with WoW. I should probably get back to that.
Written by
8:22 AM
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Operations suck.
Especially when they need to amputate a leg.
Now that I have your attention, I had some minor surgery done on my lower lip to take a broken saliva gland out. It was salivating inside my lip, making it all ballooney. So, I made a date with the oral surgeon, and yesterday morning, he cut it out.
Now, I had my wisdom teeth taken out the year before, and despite the horror stories I had heard from others, it was nothing. Very little pain, up and around that very day, the whole nine. This minor surgery was going to be nothing. It would take only a fraction of an hour, I would be up and around as soon as I got out, it wouldn't even hurt. Well, two out of three ain't bad.
Due to some misunderstanding on either my mom's or my brother's and my own fault, I arrived at the surgeon an hour early. I filled out what I needed to fill out, and my bro took me home for half an hour. I come back at the right time, and they take me right back to the chair. The doctor looks at it quickly once more before he whips out the Novocaine. The needles stung (he stabbed me about three times), but the contents of those needles numbed the problem pretty well. My eyes were closed, because the thought of seeing a doctor hacking away at my lip was bad enough. However, since I was all numb, I wasn't sure if he had started yet. I open my eyes for a second, and what do I see but a scalpel inches from my face. Very reassuring. I close my eyes again with the picture fresh in my mind. Good thing it's a short surgery. Doctor finishes up, and I sit in the chair for about five minutes before they let me go. Awesome.
So I'm at home, my friends sleeping in the basement still, my brother hobbling back to his room to sleep, I sit on my computer and play around for an hour or so, happily numb. An hour goes by, and Novocaine starts to wear off. Slight discomfort, no big deal. An hour more and I'm in a massive amount of pain. My lip is on fire, and I can' do anything about it. I have codeine pills I can take, but can't take them on an empty stomach. I was in no mood for food, and I hadn't eaten since the previous night. My one friend goes home, as everyone who isn't in searing pain is still asleep. I finally crack and bust out the ramen soup. Have you ever seen a baby bird who's feeding? Head straight up, mouth awkwardly open, nearly gagging the food down? Yeah, that's me as I eat this. I get through about 3/4 when I figure my stomach's full enough for a codeine. It works marginally, but enough so that I can manage without thinking "OMGHURT".
I hop onto starcraft and play a bit before heading over to Dani's house, where I can manage to swallow some pasta. I snag another codeine pill before we trek over to Best Buy to do some more college shopping. Dani starts suspecting the codeine for making me a bit "loopy". I blame the combination of that and my own fatigue. I skipped on the printer I was supposed to buy with the notion that I can get a small, cheaper one at Wal-Mart and instead opt to get some extra memory for my phone and camera, as well as a laptop cooler that I may or may not end up keeping. After Best Buy, we stop at Ritas for Gelatis (I got raspberry, Dani got blueberry) as I had very little to eat that day, and things that don't require chewing (I have this terrible paranoia about chewing food and accidentally catching one of the loose stitches in my teeth), and we go back to her mom's for a few minutes while she packs her stuff to go to her dad's. I fall asleep. She wakes me up to take me home. I fall asleep in the car. Needless to say, I go to bed when I get home.
Today, the pain isn't so bad, although my lip has swollen quite a bit. I'm going to dinner with Dani's family again for her mom's birthday, though I don't see myself eating much today, either. I hope the pain goes away by Saturday, when I'm heading up to college, and hopefully I'll be able to eat by then. The swelling will go down shortly after I get there, probably around Monday.
Written by
8:32 AM
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
For Anna
Whereas I found this as my brother walked into the room and busted out the terrible music with a guy who sounds SO MUCH like a girl and therefore did not get a chance to see it all, I thought Anna would like to see this. It's an informal interview with Billy and Jimmy from Smashing Pumpkins through Youtube. I'm going to take a looksee at it as soon as I can.
Written by
9:07 PM
Monday, August 13, 2007
Millions Of Peaches...
This is probably one of the biggest wtf videos/songs I've ever seen/heard.'s oddly entrancing, and I DO NOT KNOW WHY. Google the artist if you want more fun wtfs.
[edit] less nsfw peaches wtf! I love this one!
Written by
11:42 AM
Saturday, August 4, 2007
Sunday, July 22, 2007
For The Record: No
Written by
3:33 PM
Friday, July 20, 2007
Wedlock is fun!
Off to a wedding. I'll be back on Sunday, and I may have some wireless where I'm going, but don't expect to see me much at all. <3s and such for all.
Now go to bed.
Written by
3:34 AM
Monday, July 9, 2007
Monday, July 2, 2007
^ Look up there. That's right, you all no longer suck.
<-- Look over there. You're probably on the list, and if you're not, just let me know.
Written by
6:35 AM
Thursday, June 28, 2007
My only note on Facebook. Dani told me to put in on here.
So I was in the shower (Where I do all of my best thinking) relaying some of the lyrics from Fort Minor's "Where'd you Go" song, and my first inclination was that he was talking to himself as one of his ex-significant others, one whom he had especially strong feelings toward. Perhaps strong enough to be considered love.
This is about where my thoughts took a tangent turn and I thought "What is love?" (Baby don't hurt me). "I love cheesecake." Great. "I love to watch movies." Awesome. "I love you." Fantastic. Love is supposed to be one of the strongest feelings you can have, and we use it for everything from sports to books to people. The word is far too abused to have any significant meaning in itself. To love something or someone is no more meaningful than to think fondly of it.
In. Two extra letters, one extra word. To be in love holds so much more meaning than to simply love. I love a lot of things. WoW, my job (crazy, I know), so many different kinds of food that I can't even begin to list them all. I'm in love with only Dani. That is the kind of love I'm going to focus on, so the question now becomes, "What is in love?"
People often say things like "I would take a bullet for you" or "I would die for you", which sounds very heartfelt and sincere, except for the fact that the chances of that person ever being in such a position are rather small, and therefore anybody could say something like this to anybody, and there would be know way of knowing who's being sincere and who isn't. Therefore, I wouldn't take such a declaration to heart.
What, then, would be a more plausible declaration to somebody? One that you can judge and measure by looking at how a person acts and reacts and talks and just seems around you?
I would do anything to make you happy.
I don't know what I would do if I lost you.
You make me happy.
I don't want to be with anyone else.
It's a lot harder than I initially thought it would be to come up with some of these things, but I think this is enough to show what I mean. These aren't just things you can say with words; they are actions and mannerisms that you tend to (inadvertently) show when you're with that certain someone. Even during fights, these things may continue to be obvious, no matter what words come out of your mouth. Hopefully your partner (spouse, significant other, 'just a friend') will see through this barrier of words and realize that you don't mean what you say. Sometimes they will retaliate with harsher words that are nothing more than a barrier that you have to see through. Sometimes one of you won't see through this barrier, and a partnership (but not necessarily the state of being in love) will end over a dumb argument (because, let's face it, most arguments are dumb).
Honesty and trust are key. True love does not lie. "Does this dress make my butt look big?" "Why yes. Yes it does." THAT is love. Don't deceive your partner about anything, and don't hide things from your partner. Deep, dark, terrible secrets that you vowed you would take with you to the grave should not be hidden from your partner, but only if you trust them. If the feeling is mutual, no matter what the secret, it will not hinder the relationship.
Comfort is just as important. Until you feel completely comfortable being with your partner, you are not truly in love. As a friend of mine once told me, "You are not truly in a relationship until you fart in front of her and she retaliates with a real stinker." Whereas this is not word for word (and should not be taken word for word), I think it holds true.
Man woman, woman woman, man man, or any combination you can think of (Let's keep this in the same species, kids), love doesn't care. It knows no gender. However, what I have described can very well be true for a best friend. The declarations, the comfort, the honesty. What's the difference between a friend and a love? What makes your partner different from your best friend? I don't know. I can only speculate.
Perhaps it's the physical attraction. The difference between James your best friend and Mike the one you're in love with is the fact that you want to have sex with Mike.
Perhaps it's some sort of spiritual connection, some sort of unexplained phenomena. "True love is your soul's recognition of its counterpoint in another." Owen Wilson's character from the Wedding Crashers could be on to something.
Perhaps it's nothing more than an extremist version of what I've already said. You trust James completely and you're comfortable around him to the point where you've told him your deepest, darkest secret, but you can't quite explain why you feel so much more comfortable around Mike.
Perhaps it's a bit of everything. Perhaps you think Mike is sexier, and that you feel genuinely complete with him around, to the point where you simply can't understand why you're so much more comfortable around him, even though you're 100% comfortable around James.
Perhaps I'm completely wrong. I've fallen in love once, and I haven't fallen out of it yet. I'm sure some of you are thinking that this is a load of wasted words, which is completely fine. This is nothing more than a theory, when you think about it.
Hopefully, though, whether you agree or not, you will re-evaluate your own ideas of love, and apply them to your current relationships. I think people's ideas of love begin get blurry to themselves, which leads them to believe they're in love when they really aren't. I don't believe people think about love enough.
Written by
1:39 PM
Monday, June 25, 2007
The title says it all.
Making me create a blog so I could be in the 'in' crowd. For shame. All of you.
Written by
8:53 PM